Celine Gurry

Celine Gurry is an infectious diseases scientist and epidemiologist specialised in emerging viruses, health security, and vaccines. She has worked on preparedness and response to high impact epidemics and pandemics, including MERS-CoV, Zika, Ebola, Lassa, Dengue and COVID-19.
She founded Epidemica in 2021, a boutique consulting firm providing scientific and strategic advice to public and private companies. Previously Celine held positions at CEPI in the Vaccine R&D department, at MSF in Field Epidemiology and at WHO in the Health Emergencies programme.
Celine has advanced training in infectious diseases, virology, immunology, epidemiology and vaccinology from UCL, the London School and Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the University of Melbourne and Oxford.

Ebola virus